Many people are aware of breast augmentations, also known as boob jobs, but not many know too much about explant surgery, or breast implant removal. It seems counterintuitive to spend all the money and energy on a breast implant surgery only to have them removed later in life. Despite breast augmentations being a highly successful and satisfying procedure, there are many health-related reasons why a woman may eventually want them removed. As with any surgical procedure, breast explant surgery will leave some scarring. Luckily, effective scar treatment is available through your physician or online.
In this article, we will go over the top reasons why women might want to remove their breast implants and what you can do to treat the resulting scars.Because breast implants are considered a medical device, they don’t have a lifetime warranty and will eventually begin to break down. When this happens, women may opt to replace them for new ones or simply have them removed permanently. When patients want to replace their breast implants, it is often because they want a different size, shape or type. Implants usually last between 15-20 before they rupture or deflate.
Health-related risks of implants
Serious health risks due to breast implants are generally pretty rare, but they can occur and will require explant surgery. One such risk is known to the medical community as breast implant associated-anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), which is a type of lymphoma that can develop in the capsules surrounding certain implant types. This cancer has a high cure rate and can be eradicated when both implants are removed. Women can usually detect when this type of cancer develops by observing changes in the breast, such as swelling or the formation of lumps in the breast or armpit. If symptoms do emerge, it’s best to discuss with your plastic surgeon on the best way to proceed.Other, less serious health risks can also arise in women with breast implants. Some women may experience minor pain or loss of sensation in the nipples and around the areolas. Loss of sensation in the nipples isn’t uncommon and usually depends on the specific procedure type chosen by the surgeon. In other cases, a phenomenon known as capsular contracture can occur. This happens when tissue around the breast implant scars over and becomes hardened. Subsequently, the scarring can become tight enough to squeeze the implant and cause mild pain. Capsular contractions are more common if the wound from the breast procedure led to infection or hematoma.

Post-operative scar therapy
To address and treat post-surgical scarring, silicone gel sheeting may be recommended by your physician. Silicone gel technology emerged over 30 years ago as a prominent scar therapy solution for the reduction and prevention of abnormal scars. Numerous clinical studies support the efficacy of topical silicone for scar management and it continues to be the surgeon and dermatologist recommended solution for all scar types. Through the mechanisms of hydration and collagen regulation, medical silicone grants the user the ability to manage their scars by flattening and helping them fade over time.Biodermis is an innovative market leader with 30 years of expertise in the medical silicone industry. Visit today to explore a complete range of scar management and post-operative care solutions.
Biodermis offers custom tailored referral programs designed to simplify and reduce the cost of your patients' post-op care. Additionally, we offer professional pricing if you opt to retail our products. Give us a call at 800.322.3729, and we will be happy to provide additional details on these programs.