The Most Common Cosmetic Surgeries | Biodermis

The Most Common Cosmetic Surgeries |

Cosmetic plastic surgery involves enhancing one’s appearance by contouring and reshaping the face or body. With a few exceptions, most cosmetic surgeries are not meant to treat a medical condition and are purely aesthetic in nature. These types of procedures are becoming more and more popular as men and women alike strive to achieve their ideal physique. In this article, we will go over some of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Read to the end to find out what you can do about post-operative scarring after your surgery.

Breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty)

Commonly known as a boob job, this surgery makes use of silicone breast implants to enlarge the breasts. This is done for women who feel that the shape and size of their breasts don’t match the rest of their body. To perform this surgery, a plastic surgeon will make small incisions near the arm pits (transaxillary incision), under the breasts (inframammary incision), or around the areola (periareolar incision). Each patient has a unique anatomy, so it will be up to the patient and surgeon to determine which incision type to make.


Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that is sought after by men and women. Liposuction involves the removing of subcutaneous fat by suctioning out of designated areas using a tool called a cannula. This procedure is the most popular cosmetic surgery in the United States. It’s important to note, however, that while liposuction can remove fat cells from the body, it is not a substitute for weight loss through diet and exercise. In fact, the amount of fat removed from liposuction procedures can return in a few months if the patient does not make any significant lifestyle changes. The best candidates for this procedure are people who are already at a normal weight but who want to address stubborn fat deposits in targeted areas of the body.

Nose job (rhinoplasty)

Nose jobs are very popular among people who want to make adjustments to the shape and size of their nose. Rhinoplasties can alter the upper region of the nose, made primarily of bone, or the lower region of the nose, made primarily of cartilage. In some cases, this procedure can actually help people to breathe better through their nose, if breathing problems were an issue before.

Breast reduction (reduction mammoplasty)

Breast reductions are surgical procedures meant to reduce the size of one or both breasts. There may be many reasons why a woman may want to reduce their bust size. Genetics, weight gain from pregnancy, or dramatic weight loss can all warrant breast reduction surgery. In many cases, women with enlarged breasts may experience back pain and other problems, making this procedure correctional as well as cosmetic in nature. 

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

Tummy tucks are cosmetic surgical procedures designed to remove fat from midsection and tighten any loose or sagging skin. This surgery is not ideal for someone who is significantly overweight, but someone who has excess skin in the abdominal region due to pregnancy or weight loss. For women who went through a C-section birth, tummy tucks can also improve the integrity of weak or compromised abdominal muscles.

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)

Eyelid surgery is a popular surgical procedure for correcting deformities of the eyes and improving their aesthetic appearance. Blepharoplasties may involve excising excess skin, tightening muscles, and removing fat around the eyes. Many patients opt for this procedure to address droopy eyelids that come about as the muscles weaken with age.   

Post-operative scar care

All invasive procedures come with the risk of scarring. Some procedures, like blepharoplasties and rhinoplasties may produce little to no scarring. However, some people scar more than others due to genetics and environmental factors. For hypertrophic and keloid scars, clinically-proven and effective scar treatment options are available to people of all ages. Medical-grade silicone gel for scars has been used for over 30 years to treat post-operative scarring. Silicone gel works simply and effectively through hydration and oxygen to flatten and fade scar tissue. Products are available through your physician or online at 


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